Darksky.org  August 2, 2022 Light is Energy: Estimating the Impact of LIght Pollution on Climate Change

​​READ:  November 24, 2017 Loss of the night: Light pollution rising rapidly on a global scale. CNN online

Darksky.org The International Dark-Sky Association works to protect the night skies for present and future generations

READ:  June 11, 2016 One-third of the world cannot see the Milky Way -- why that matters . CNN online


2015 - 2023 ongoing.

Outdoor installations, drawings, photography, mixed media, paintings, and sculpture.

"The sculpture comprises the hand-made, introducing a human element into my art, in contrast to the machine or custom-made works of minimalism".  John DeFaro


PHYS.org  January 10, 2023 Artificial light at night found to cause extensive deaths in the desert

John DeFaro